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0.28i crash if cant find loot

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Atm and in few prev versions bot is crashing while Looting if all pick methods are fail (Moving Cursor Up\Down and Zig-Zag after)

0.28h - bot crashed in situation when Portal setuped on Loot lake and after coming back from the town\sell run, bot confused it self and at 1st stay as paralized + fps drop then bot crash  


to Devs if u test *loot system* use  bot with 60-80 iQ + 100-200 ir  all other setups are pointles = More items means More Errors while looting  

Edited by metaxer

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Thanks for report.

Gonna put some iir on my char and make some tests.


Good solution would be to not allow the char to make portal close from item to loot ?

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