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Baroque Round Shield...Grrrr

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Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but i seem to find that my botted toon gets stuck trying to identify the baroque round shield.  I have not seen this issue on other items but it consistently happens to this item.


It will pick up the unidentified shield (from my inventory) and hold it over the wisdom scroll and just stall there.  It's like it has the order reversed and thinks the shield is the scroll and is trying to identify the scroll instead hahaha.


If i pause bot and put the shield back into its place it will resume the above issue so i end up just destroying the item b/c odd's are its crap anyways.


Am i alone in this issue?  Anyone have a work around?



Edited by JayDee

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6months + bug =)  forget about it 

Bot think that this shield is Wisdom scroll =)  Bot is searching for scrolls from the Right side (1st vert line) if there is no scroll its check left side thats why if this shild picked by bot as Last item - bot used it as scroll =) 



Edited by metaxer

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I saw that bug happening a few times too, but it doesn't happen all the time for any Baroque shield right ?

I think that when I closed bot and tried to reproduce in debug, then it worked and bot sold the item (ofc :x).

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i just had one made my bot stop doing shit in town, wanted to take a look what exactly happened,


after pressing start/stop bot, he just ided and sold it like he never had a problem with it ^^

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i just had one made my bot stop doing shit in town, wanted to take a look what exactly happened,


after pressing start/stop bot, he just ided and sold it like he never had a problem with it ^^


Haha indeed that's the problem... And it's weird cause inventory is supposed to be refreshed every 400ms all the time except while stashing or vendoring. However it seems that when the bot restart bugs dissapears, so issue is probably due to the bot doing something wrong but can't figure out what.


Maybe I should make the bot ignore the Baroque Round Shield ? I know it's not a satisfying solution but it would do the trick, waiting for something better.

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