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VMWare tips

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I finally am able to have exiled bot running under Vmware. Here is what I learned so far:

1) You must use Vmware workstation to build a new virtual machine. Older machines may not work, and vmx files created "by hand" may not work.

2) The brightness is too much - but there is an easy fix for it. Just press F1 while the bot is running. You will see the nagging stat graphs in the game, but it'll take away the flicker and gamma. You can now pack your sunglasses and put them in the closet.

3) I was able to get it running without activating direct 3d in the vmx file.

4) Vmware guest OS should be at 1024x768 - that has worked the best for me so far.

5) If you're using Thuvia's autohotkey script to keep the bot from getting stuck, sometimes the click is outside the PoE window, resulting in desktop files being clicked. To minimize this, keep the PoE window on top right (if you're running top right ahk from Thuvia) or top left (if you're running top left ahk from Thuvia). This will become redundant when pathfinding is released though.

6) In a virtual machine, you must decrease the graphics settings manually by editing the configuration file. I set "Texture quality" to 3 and the FPS went up from 40 to 100. (Details here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/177500)

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thx for those tips.

good to see them colloected in one post ;)

but 1) is wrong.

im using vmware player which is actually free to use for non commercials and u can simply set up or use vms.

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I tried Player multiple times (used notepad to create my own vmx file which never worked despite trying many times in different ways). I think it is the best just to use workstation to make a new virtual machine, that worked like a charm. But once I have made a virtual machine using workstation, I'm sure it can work with the player (once workstation trial expires).

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Thanks, got it working now :)

I am using VMWare Workstation 9 and it seems to work fine with maximum graphic settings.

I use Windows 7 64bit on the VM (2gb ram allocated, 1 processor/2cores), with direct3d enabled.

All graphic settings are set to maximum (didn't enable screen shake because I hate it).

Resolution is 800x600 as usual.

Had problems at the beginning but making sure directx and .net is installed should fix it.

Also, flickering occurs occasionally, but is reduced greatly through enabling the stats graph through the 'f1' key.

Hope this helps others to get it working :)

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Mine is not working at all. Path of exile keeps geting Direct3d errors. Shader errors. Can't even get to the login screen... I have an insane computer and should be able to run 50 of these lol. (I currently bot 6 diablo 3's at once without a single flick)

Any ideas on what to do?

I updated all drivers/.net framework/directx.

Tried changing .ini to fullscreen, tried diff resolutions

Tried to change compatability options too/run as admin.

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