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Real simple Map.ipd problem

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Hey---not to be elementary, but I did just start mapping (or trying to).  


For now, since I play hardcore, I just want the bot to run white Tropical Island maps.  I have a bunch of maps in my chest, and the bot just picks the top one, which happens to be Dried Lake.

I first tried turning on [ignoreMap] == "true"     for every single map name except Tropical Island.  It still pulled the Dried Lake from my stash.  


Now my pickit looks like this and it's still pulling Dried Lake.  I have the right IPD profiler in my EB.exe.  I have tried restarting the application, etc.  Making sure I'm saving the script, etc.  Thoughts?  Thx




[Type] == "Tropical Island Map" # [RunMap] == "true"

// Ignore unique maps
[Rarity] == "Unique" # [IgnoreMap] == "true"

[Rarity] == "Rare" # [IgnoreMap] == "true"
[Rarity] == "Magic" # [IgnoreMap] == "true"
// [Rarity] == "Normal" # [IgnoreMap] == "true"


I even add this, and it still pulls white dried lake map.  How fucking irritating...

[Type] == "Dried Lake Map" # [IgnoreMap] == "true"
Edited by Spaceguy911

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