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UPD: thanks to omega, it actually possible to ignore a person with built-in functionality. It works better than what I offer.


Recently I found that it is impossible to ignore users on chat box, above. There are times when you do want to have that feature.

This script will not disable sounds of their messages, neither won't it hide messages completely (you would be lost if someone in chat started replying to a message you haven't even seen). But it will replace every message of unwanted person with ***.



Install this script in a browser. Use GreaseMonkey analog (I'm using Tampermonkey for Chrome).

// ==UserScript==
// @name         EB chat mute
// @namespace    http://dimps.ru
// @version      0.1
// @description  mute messages from certain people
// @author       Dimps
// @match        https://exiled-bot.net/community/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

// this will mute username "babyfart". If for example you want to mute me, replace it with "Dimps".
window.setInterval(function(){jQuery("a[data-store=babyfart]").parent().parent().children().find(".shoutbox_text").text("***")}, 100);



Areas to improve:

-introduce array with unwanted nicknames

-attach to an event instead of timer polling

-intercept message to prevent sound*

-add GUI**


UPD: ignore is built into forum engine.

Edited by Dimps

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you can mute people in the shout box.... i have babyfart muted aswell


simply go to "manage ignore prefs"


*right above "client area"* where your key is*


pretty straight forward after that


hope this helps in avoiding contact with babyfart

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Thank you, omega! I genuinely tried to find built-in ignore, asked about it in chat too. Funny "My prefs" under chat don't have it, neither does every chat line.

Built-in solution works better than what I offer. I guess now I have a pile of code and an intel on ipboard settings :)

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Thank you, omega! I genuinely tried to find built-in ignore, asked about it in chat too. Funny "My prefs" under chat don't have it, neither does every chat line.

Built-in solution works better than what I offer. I guess now I have a pile of code and an intel on ipboard settings :)

happy banning

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Just report people you think are flooding, etc. This is good way to ignore someone you don't like though.

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