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leap when stuck

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Im sure this has been asked but is it possible for the bot to leap when hes stuck usually hes stuck at a staircase and wont leap unless i click it would be cool if like 10 secs without killing anything he auto leaped

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I had this same problem.

Using the TOP LEFT Autohotkey script:

#singleinstance force

MouseGetPos, X1, Y1
sleep, 1200
MouseGetPos, X2, Y2
sleep 1200
If (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2)
MouseGetPos, X1, Y1
sleep, 1200
MouseGetPos, X2, Y2
sleep 1200
If (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2)
MouseGetPos, X1, Y1
sleep, 1200
MouseGetPos, X2, Y2
sleep 1200
If (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2)

click, 150, 100

sendinput, {t}

sentinput change t to w/e key u have set (hotkey) for leap slam.

And bam, it'll do it every 6.5 seconds, works like a charm for getting unstuck :)

Hope this helps!

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np, works for me. Just saw my bot on my main computer get stuck on that ledge in Sarn, then 7 seconds l8er, he jumped right down to kill the mobs, this sendinput, {t} works flawlessy Victory!!!

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