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Stagger the botting while you are out of town?

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Hey--I'm going to be out of town for like 10 days.  Is there a way to stagger the bot so that he will only run maybe 8-12 hours a day, instead of 24/7?  


Some people here may disagree and say that they run 24/7 and haven't been banned.  Well that's cute, but I've been banned a lot, and finally got a fresh IP and am just playing VERY conservative.  Running the bot 24/7 only to come home from vaca and see a ban notification, is not worth it to me.


Let me know if there's a way to do this, because I do see an option where the bot can "change accounts" after x amount of runs.  Hoping there's some creative way I can accomplish this.




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Good luck running it 10 days without a couple random patches breaking everything. I would use the account feature you mentioned and also something for remote desktop like teamviewer. You know your gonna have to help it at some point. Watch it patch right after you leave xD. 

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