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My bot crashed last night because... but why?

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Hey--quick question/concern.


So with the 0.25c RC version, I ran my bot last nihgt like any other night, and I woke up today and my PoE screen was at the main PoE intro screen (right before you login).  I thought that was odd.  I logged in and saw my bot char was in standard (I bot hardcore...because it's where I like to play). 


Anyway... I quickly noticed that the EB application wasn't even running.



----Interrupting my own analysis here---- I realized that in my VM, I was running an old Pot script, and so the bot didn't quit as it was supposed to.  Okay np, so i ripped to user error...thats' fine with me.


But, when I checked the standard stash, there was only 1 armourer's scrap.  And remember the bot was down.  What happened?  How did the bot react well enough to the "resurrect in town" screen to stash one last thing, but seemingly not do any more runs, and then crash?




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