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Bloodlines build?...

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Hey...Any decent theorycraft for Bloodlines league?  Last league I ran flickerstrike which was great...but this league's going to be really rough.  Some of the Bloodlines will cause AoE upon death, that could be an issue.  Mainly, that Phylaric(?) Link (where only one mob can be damaged, and it rotates), is going to cause a particular issue.  Even an AoE like Ground Slam or Melee Splash something, the Linked mob will likely be outside of range?


I have already started leveling up a duelist.

edit: I ripped to user error with my bot config...would be willing to reroll any class for efficient build ideas.

Edited by Spaceguy911

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Probably a facebreaker build would work decent, I'm not playing in any new leagues this time around or just going to wait a bit. But my main is a facebreaker and it does well, also trying a static strike build

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The bot it's not good for bloodlines they are some mobs that after death they spawn totems which are impossible to kill.. And you lose time....

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