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poe map hack?

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Pretty safe to use, it works by what I think is called cache reading; basically your client has the map information already, it is just revealed by the map hack tool.


The only way I know of getting banned using it is if your strongbox/corrupted area farming and your creating too many instances.  I've been currency banned on my main for what I assume was corrupted area farming.  I sent them an e-mail and they claimed it was just an "issue" with my account, but I'm pretty sure they currency banned me.  I'm a supporter on my main so they cleared that up pretty quick.


The other way which I'm not too sure is legit, is using zoomhack and scrolling out too far and making clicks outside your normal screen resolution, such as flameblast 2 screens away.


Its pretty hard for them to detect, a top racer this season was using it and it took them weeks to prove he was cheating.

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May I ask what do you mean when you say "Currency ban" jps42


They will not ban the botting account, but ban the account from getting currency drops by 99.9% on any character.


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still working ?


I don't think anything is working ATM, this thread was before the anti-cheat was implemented.  There is a bypass dealing with wine (linux users) currently, but some of the developers of the hacks, etc. need to update their programs.  Check out http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/path-of-exile/poe-bots-programs/ for more up to date info.

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