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CTRL key issue

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Sometimes when i go tos leep i wake up to a dead (or afk) bot, hitting CTRL + ESC thus opening metro (i'm on W8) this issue pretty much fucks up botting unless i'm near the pc and paying attention to it.

IS there any solution to his issue?

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Sometimes when i go tos leep i wake up to a dead (or afk) bot, hitting CTRL + ESC thus opening metro (i'm on W8) this issue pretty much fucks up botting unless i'm near the pc and paying attention to it.

IS there any solution to his issue?



i guess u use multiscript, activate "Suspend Hotkeys" in tray Icon. that should solve it



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Have the same problem when stashing items such as orbs. Bot picks up one and tries to crtl click the other, causing a loop back and forth

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