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a few lingering issues

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Some things I still can't figure out, even after searching the forum and toying around with settings:


Why does my bot sometimes go to the wrong dialogue option in hideout npc? Im using advanced setting and it does the right action 95% of the time, otherwise this bug messes things up. I think its related to the accidentally selecting item loop. its as if it sends a click, it lags or doesn't respond fast enough, so it sends another click in the wrong spot since the bot thinks its already at the next step, which it isnt because of the lag/desynch.

I would love to be able to increase a setting like click delay, but as far as I can tell you cant do it.


i'd be more than happy to do debugging and figuring out why things goof up, but there aren't many ways to do this


my setup is very standard. windows 7 vm, tweaks listed in compendium, etc.

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