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(0.24c) go back pick item

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when my bag is filled ,EB will go  town,and does not go back pick the item at ground.


just open new area.


i already tick use scroll go town.


what should i do?

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The shit thing about it is the bot doesn't prioritize the loot. I watched the bot leave behind a CoD the other day (I had to intervene) because it picked up some shit rares first. I want it to pick up and sell rares for the alts and for the occasional GG item, but outside of maps it is too dangerous because it is very possible the damn thing would leave a Mjolnir on the ground in favor of a rare simple robe.

This really needs to be addressed as it makes little sense for the bot not to go back for all the loot. In fact, there are a lot of little QoL changes like this that are long overdue. A few examples would be:

Stashing shards

Keeping scrolls orderly and topped off from stash (better stash/inventory management in general)

Better flask support

Better map logic (wastes way too much time doing stupid things)

Bot idling to avoid flagging for constant uptime

Auto POE

I know there are a lot of minor concerns there and that isnt all of them, but there are so many ways that the bot could be optimized that are long overdue. If it was free, I wouldn't complain but since they want us to pay a subscription, I feel we are within our rights to expect a higher standard.

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The shit thing about it is the bot doesn't prioritize the loot. I watched the bot leave behind a CoD the other day (I had to intervene) because it picked up some shit rares first. I want it to pick up and sell rares for the alts and for the occasional GG item, but outside of maps it is too dangerous because it is very possible the damn thing would leave a Mjolnir on the ground in favor of a rare simple robe.

This really needs to be addressed as it makes little sense for the bot not to go back for all the loot. In fact, there are a lot of little QoL changes like this that are long overdue. A few examples would be:

Stashing shards

Keeping scrolls orderly and topped off from stash (better stash/inventory management in general)

Better flask support

Better map logic (wastes way too much time doing stupid things)

Bot idling to avoid flagging for constant uptime

Auto POE

I know there are a lot of minor concerns there and that isnt all of them, but there are so many ways that the bot could be optimized that are long overdue. If it was free, I wouldn't complain but since they want us to pay a subscription, I feel we are within our rights to expect a higher standard.



Seconded, A loot priority system seems sadly missing. Currency (it's small) > Uniques > Rares. That is simple and effective enough.

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Yes. I think we should list out the bugs of the BOTs. Then, Allpone and others can help to fix them as soon as possible.


I find the bugs are:


1. The bot will not pick up Sacrifice maps and other items after clearing the corrupted areas. In the other words, the bot will focus to portal back to the town without detect the item pciket after killing the corrupted areas' bosses. Therefore, it even will not portal back to the corrupted areas to loot the items.


2. Same problem with BUG 1 for running the normal maps. e.g. The Library.


3. The bot unable to detect the Phase 2 of Dominus.


4. The bot unable to recast the arua after die or chicken.


I think those 4 bugs should fix in next version since those really adversely affect the efficiency of the bot.

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totally agreed, most of the time i will have to intervene also, if noticed. if not it will go to waste. And yes, the bot needs to prioritize some unique loots, frags over rares. And sometimes it wouldnt loot the frags even though it has free space left. Previously the bot also left behind a rainbowstride boots and favour rares over it. Like how it loot the wisdom scrolls far away from it, even though there's an exalt just nearby. I watched it and luckily it went back for the exalt lol!

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Thats wierd, i thought bot did go back to portal whenever it sold its items, as i watched the bot while it was farming Piety. Then i changed my route, thinkin that it would back and forth, but no, portal -> sell items -> new instance.

So. is it 0.24c issue or farm-location-pick issue?

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It has always been that way. The only time the bot will go back to an existing instance for more loot is when it is in a map. If it is a normal instance of any type it will run it until it fills the inventory (no 8-slot patterns remaining) and then it leaves to sell. Then, it recreates a new instance, potentially leaving behind valuable loot in the process. It is especially problematic because the bot does not give priority to picking up loot based on quality, so it will pick up the rare tribal club before picking up the unique gavel (Mjolnir) and if it fills the inventory with the club it will portal out and never go back for the gavel... which means you have to leave all rares out of normal instances unless you want to risk losing exceptional loot, which will happen often.

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Sometimes mine makes trips, but I think thats only if the map is not clear yet.


When huge piles of items drop, the bot seems to struggle especially with picking items (doing a full 360 degree clockwise scan)...

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That happens because the bot continuously hits the alt key for each check of an item which shuffles the loot labels around. You can turn on labels to help eliminate the issue but it creates a few new ones which are kinda minor in comparison. If labels are permanently on sometimes the loot will be in just the right spot that the bot simply never passes over it, which also occurs in extremely large loot piles. A quick toggle of the labels (Z by default) will usually fix the problem.

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Having same kinda problem too, its frustrating. 

Anyone here know how to make bot stop picking up rares all together? Un-ticking the 'pick up rares' option doesnt seem to do anything, am I missing sumthing? :/

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