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Anyone else get stuck?

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Stick ice nova in your "skill to use if stuck" to pop any jars the bot can't seem to open.


I got the same problem and bot can get stuck for as much as 30min! Sometimes it gets stuck when there are large drops with several orbs and scrolls like it cannot choose what to pick up first and its very annoying because it doesnt unstuck and doesnt leave map at all even if i set max idle time to 30sec.. what to do? I looked up for skill to use if stuck and didnt find it anywhere on bot config. Please explain, thx.

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I got the same problem and bot can get stuck for as much as 30min! Sometimes it gets stuck when there are large drops with several orbs and scrolls like it cannot choose what to pick up first and its very annoying because it doesnt unstuck and doesnt leave map at all even if i set max idle time to 30sec.. what to do? I looked up for skill to use if stuck and didnt find it anywhere on bot config. Please explain, thx.




Set that number as low as possible. Given that you want enough time to successfully complete a zone.

Edited by philatio

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