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Flicker strike skill setup issues

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Has anyone ever run a flicker strike build? I'm having issues getting it to run smoothly.


Blood rage is on max distance = 1000 priority 9, cooldown = 15000

Flicker is on max distance = 300, priority 6,  

Frenzy is on max distance = 150 priority 5, 


Blood Rage: Doesn't always cast for some reason, presumably game hits the hotkey but then starts to flicker before it executes.


Flicker and Frenzy, Ideally it uses flicker when it can but uses frenzy when it has no charges. This is the part I'm having the most trouble. I just can't get it to use Frenzy consistently when necessary. I've tried setting them to equal priority, I've messed with the ranges, I've put a small cooldown on Flicker. Nothing is working and often when it has no charges it just stands there and uses flicker when it becomes available.

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Here's the way i do it.


Blood rage looks fine. Just reduce cooldown if its not up all the time. Priority 9 is fine


Frenzy max distance of 125. Cooldown of 1000ms or so. Priority 8. This will ensure that you are at least smacking something to generate charges when out (though you shouldnt be running out, get more max charges!). The cooldown and short range will limit how much this is used. Adjust cooldown/range to your taste. Could further limit this to only magic mobs or higher.


Flicker range of 500-600, no cooldown. Priority 7


Edit: The priorities i listed are just for reference to which should be higher or lower than others.

Edited by philatio
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