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Dominus runs

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So i finally figured out why i could never get dominus runs to work.. before it use to just stand in his faze 1 zone and never look to where he spawns in faze 2. So i added more Search Multiplier in Tab 2 and it started to find him every time now.


One of the issues im having with it still is that after dominus dies my bot goes to pick up all the rares to vendor and he goes back to town but will not use portal to go back to dominus to pick up the rest of the loot but will go back to the way point and run there in same instance and grab the loot. This waste's alot of time for just a few rares. Some times it will take the portal back to top and some times it will run all the way there. Anyone know a fix to this issue?


questioning why my account is not a full member? Its cause my friend bought me the Serial on his account because i dont have paypal.. since everyone keeps asking me.

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ive been running doms only lately since i sorta got it working... i watched it while watching tv for like a hour and noticed it gets stuck alot... or it will just sit in 1 area and not move at all, ill move the pointer and it wont even put it back to the same spot, i could move the pointer anywhere and its like i was just sitting there afk.

Im not sure why dominus is having issues still, maybe it just hasnt been properly pathed yet.

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