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Lightning warp - Hold shift while moving

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Hi, I have tried all the combination I can think of but have been unable to get the character to move only with Lightning Warp, is this possible?


The hold shift while moving doesn't seem to work in either the main options or at skill level.




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I have the same issue. The only thing that even remotely works is to put LW on mouse_left and it will warp to each enemy it wants to attack. It doesn't work very well though because then it has trouble with doors where it gets stuck several meters away from the door but it's trying to warp to it but can't. I was hoping that using LW for movement would eliminate getting stuck between multiple level areas like Vaal Pyramid where it tries to open chests or attack enemies from an inclined area to a lower area but can't path to it. Leapslam doesn't suffer from targeted area restrictions like LW does, so that may be part of the problem. Too bad my build can't use LS.

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