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[BUG] Hideout - Selling to Masters Loop

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Whenever the bot goes back to the hideout to sell the accumulated items and talks to one of the masters, it sometimes goes on a loop.


This only happens when you have a lot of items to sell.


It opens the sell dialogue. Clicks all the items to sell. BUT, instead of clicking accept, it starts re-clicking all of the items again from your inventory.

Sometimes after re-clicking the items 3-4 times it will click accept, but if you have had a LOT of items, it can go in a loop that almost seems to be infinite.

I say infinite because I watched it go on for about 20 minutes, until I decided to stop it myself.


If I disable Hideout farming, instead it gets stuck trying tp talk/to sell to the master in the Act.




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I've got the exact same problem in v0.24b. Also when I disabled hideout, I found the bot stuck trying to sell to Clarissa.


Funny thing is I had multiple bots running and only one of the bots got this problem.


Windows 7

vmware 7

I can post .ini file later

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Don't think we'll be getting any help.. Seems to me we're only to 2 post about it.

But good to know I am not alone.. The bot is officially unplayable now : It perma loops on 2 items .. and if I disable hideout farming, the Vorici bug is still there with the release. 


I guess only solution that I see would be to invite Vorici to your hideout, and keep hideout disabled.

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