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Bot tries to destroy gear or puts items in map device

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Another night of 20 runs with 1200+ chickens....

Can i get a response to this?

Why does my bot always try to either a) destroy my gear or b) put items that aren't maps in the map device....

I  haven't been able to get one full night of botting without this problem

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For me maps are working and I couldn't reproduce your issue yet.

Do you have a way to make it happen 100% of the time ?

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Yes I hit start bot and it happens 100% of the time.

Delete all bot files and go with a fresh install and it still does it at some point or another. It gets stuck on picking up any item and trying to put it in a map device or it gets stuck it town trying to drop my gear. It chickens out of that instance and goes right back into doing it again.


e/ I have 2 other friends that use this bot and the same thing happens to them. It's been more frequent now then ever. Sub ends on the 28th. Will prob not be renewing.

Edited by crackadon

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