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Item Quantity on Maps - Help Needed

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Currently I am running into an issue where all of the normal maps are being transmuted, but there is no care taken with regards to the level of item quantity on the maps (which is far more valuable to me than quality). I would like to adjust the settings such that the system will only run maps if they are above 30% item quantity. At the very least I would like the option to augment (orb of augmentation) maps before running them.


Currently this is the script that I have attempted to use, but it does not seem to be working:

[item Quantity] <= "30" # [RerollMods] == "true"


Please, please, please; Does anyone have any advice on how to get this to work?


Thank you so much!!!

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It appears 1061 is the index mod for Item Quantity. Try this:


[1061] < "30" # [RerollMods] == "true"


Unfotunately I don't think there's anything for augmenting them.. so it'll just have to keep transmuting until it gets a good roll. 

Haven't tested this out yet so let me know if you do.

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Confirmed that method works.  However, if a map has either of the 0% quantity suffixes (monster pack size, or sea witches) it will not have a 1061 index value at all, and will run the map. But that's only 2 it'll mess up on. And I'd recommend shooting for lower than 30 or you'll be rerolling a lotttt

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