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Problem after Flicker Strike...

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My flicker usually rolls everything.  I use Blood Rage too.  But on the reaaaally tanky mobs, like some of the Beyonders (and certainly the unique beyonder if I ever pop one, maybe I have, I have chickened a couple times, apparently).


My skill slots are relatively full, with the exception of Leap Slam on Faster Attacks.  Is there a way to code this Leap Slam (or even a normal attack...) to Leap Slam when I don't have frenzy charges and Flicker is on CD?  It's really devastating to my clear speed and safety (since I leech so much as my survivability) when i'm just standing there getting smacked around.  Like I said, it's rare, but botting is all about tweaking the files to reduce every possible RIP, especially in HC botting.




PS, didn't even notice but my Flicker is on max distance 200 min distance 0...should I increase that max distance?...He seems to be Flickering from a fairly good distance so I'm not quite sure what that's all about.



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You can set flicker strike to only go off if there's at least 2 enemies within 1000 range then add a single target skill with the same priority as flicker strike. I used to have frenzy + faster attacks + multistrike + melee physical damage + blood magic in a 5 link but now I just have the bot use flicker strike exclusively.


For max distance I use 500, although the bot occasionally has issues with underground/unspawned enemies (like the skeleton bear statues in library).

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