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Frequently asked questions

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This will be a collection of frequently asked questions, in no particular order.

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Why does my EB move back and forth in maps

You are using a ingame lootfilter that hides items EB wants to pick up.

Change filter to "none" or to a filter that does not hide the items in your pickit.


Edited by jotd

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How can I upgrade maps to rare (POE2)?

Right now you can only upgrade maps that have normal quality to rare with alchemy orb.

Add the following line to your maps IPD file.

[Rarity] == "Normal"     # [UpgradeToRare] == "true"

Make sure you have enough alchemy orbs in your currency tab.

Upgrading with regal orb is currently not supported.

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My EB doesn't pickup any maps from the map tab

Make sure the maps you are trying to use are configured in your maps ipd file.

For example if you want to run maps tier 12 and above, you have to use this line:

[MapTier] >= "12"        # [RunMap] == "true"

By default EB only runs tier 1 and 2 maps. 

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My EB picks up a map from the stash and then opens and closes the stash repeatedly

I'm not 100% sure what the solution here is, but most likely your stash tab configuration is wrong.

Example for a valid stash configuration:

Screenshot 2025-01-14 181244.png

Screenshot 2025-01-14 181530.png

"Stash tabs:" always needs the full list of all your tabs you are planning to use. If you have many tabs its better to use the tabs in the beginning of your stash.

Quad Tabs is not supported. Currency tab is supported. 

The number in the configuration refers to the position of the tab in your stash, NOT the name of the tab.

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My EB attacks mobs that spawning in the water and are not killable in burial bog

You can open your config.ini and edit this value:


For example if you are certain your build can kill anything in the game within 15 seconds, you can set this value to 15.

Please note that this includes bosses too. After the timeout is reached he wont attack this enemy, even if the enemy attacks your character.

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My EB attacks a wall, because there are monsters behind the wall

You can work around this with your combat settings. You need to add your main attack 2 times.

1. With cooldown 300ms, high range (70)


2. Without cooldown, low range (15)


With this configuration he will "stutterstep" to the enemy until he is within 15 range.

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