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Total Newbie - Getting Started + Few Questions

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Looking at getting started botting PoE - I have played the game a long while ago, got to about lvl 50 going totem summoner.

I downloaded the bot, understand some of the basic configuration settings and options - but cannot seem to get it running properly!

1. PoE crashes whenever I click into it after starting bot

2. If I don't click into PoE after I start the bot, nothing happens except a silly click spam on whatever my mouse is hovering over

3. Can this bot be used to level characters? If so - how automated can I make it?

4. What type of "Special Stuff" do elite users/donaters get? If there's some quality guides / enhanced features, will definitely send some $ over :).



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i suggest doing what melchome said ^^^

if that doesnt work, report back with:

1-what OS are you using?

2-did you download and use 0.7 the current version?

3-are you using the exiledbot GUI? or launching the bot itself (exiledbotloader.exe) -- hint: dont use the GUI. also, dont use EBG. neither of them are working with the current bot right now. wait for updates on them.

what exactly are you doing?

launching game, launching bot (exiledbotloader.exe), and then nothing happens?

the bot should take control of your client when you launch it. you should not have to click in game anywhere.

to answer your questions:

3-no you cant level characters with it. not automatically. the bot just kills monsters and loots for you. so yes it will level you but no it wont run through the acts/quests.

4-elite/donators get access to the forum right now. more features are planned. this is all i know about that. there is a thread somewhere in this forum which answers this question.

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