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Qual gems Pickit bug?

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Hey guys!


I need to pick up certain gems of any quality and the others only quality ones. But bots keeps picking up all gems whatever I try.


I tried next settings:


[Type] == "Ethereal Knives" && [item_found_quality_+%]>="5" == "true"




[Type] == "Ethereal Knives" && [min_gem_quality]>="5" == "true"


None worked.

Seems like a bug, isn't it?

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place a value on the quality of gem in the UI, not the pickit :)

But if I do so, will bot pick up certain gems that I need without quality? Like Empower and etc.

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If you set the bot to pick a gem in the pickit it will get it dispite quality settings.

So there's no possibility to pick up Empower without quality and other gems only with quality? That's strange.

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That was my thinking as well before. But. if you set the quality, it will check the quality first. If let's say it 5%, if any gem falls 5% or greater it will pick it up, then it will look into the pickit on what gems it needs to pick up regardless of quality.

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That was my thinking as well before. But. if you set the quality, it will check the quality first. If let's say it 5%, if any gem falls 5% or greater it will pick it up, then it will look into the pickit on what gems it needs to pick up regardless of quality.

I've checked this, it works. Thank you man. But this is far not obvious behaviour.

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