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Log for my problem T_T (GARENA)

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2014-08-11 22:09:24 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:24 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:25 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:25 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:25 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:25 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:26 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:26 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:26 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:26 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:27 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:27 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:27 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:27 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:28 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:28 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:28 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:28 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:29 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:29 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:29 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:29 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:31 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:31 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:31 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:31 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:32 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:32 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:32 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:32 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:33 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-08-11 22:09:33 [info] -> Exploration : 44.978667
2014-08-11 22:09:33 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s
2014-08-11 22:09:33 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded 1000 seconds
2014-08-11 22:09:34 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
Edited by DiciannoveGaming

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