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It's updated?

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Hello I was thinking of buying the bot right now, but my question is whether it is updated or not because I see that some say that it stopped working and I did not want to make a purchase at all, thank you I hope a quick response, since there is no information in the page of if it is updated "updating" or does not work

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Not yet, it will probably be here from tomorrow to the beginning of next month(like probably no later than the 10th) just check back next weekend or every other day, its a small team and it's not easy to sift through the new data

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8 hours ago, shalira12 said:

not sure what you are asking to be updated. Bot is working, just doesn't do new league content or leveling, but great mapper.

It's working ?
Here it's just moving to the right and nothing else.

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On 8/31/2021 at 1:35 AM, shalira12 said:

not sure what you are asking to be updated. Bot is working, just doesn't do new league content or leveling, but great mapper.

Its not working for me, haha, at least not on normal which i use.

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3 hours ago, Jack13 said:

Used it today was working fine for me. Sometimes it takes a few pc restarts after an update to get it to work

What is your client?
Normal, Steam, Garena or china ?
Because I can AFFIRM you CATEGORICALLY, the Normal Client is not working.

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3 hours ago, Finallf said:

What is your client?
Normal, Steam, Garena or china ?
Because I can AFFIRM you CATEGORICALLY, the Normal Client is not working.

this is what i did to get it to work, I deleted folder, re downloaded, reset up all the settings and it worked for me. on normal

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I run on normal. I'm running it as I'm typing this.never had to redownload.all I did was restart pc. But ya sometimes after an update the program can be very much a pain in the ass. There has been times I waited days for a program update and just out of the blue it starts working again

Edited by Jack13

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