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Are you using any other bot services?
Because from what I've seen in recent years this forum is very still and almost dead.
Well, the devs could release a 2.0 version with new features, charging the due amount to use and such, to see if this is moved again.
Or even charge a fee for the att, I don't know, several ideas come up

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I wouldnt say this site is dead, but it's a small team, i suggest you read this post 

 its not easy to code, If i knew some compiling i'd help but I don't know shit, so I'll just wait until they release new version, and as of other bots on the market,  I don't know of any, I've been with these guys for a few years, I never use my main account just incase, but also I have never been banned on any of the accounts i've  used this on. 

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Well, let's go...
I understand exactly how it works, and I've even been part of a team years ago for another game and another bot, by the way much more complex, but we had a lot of devs on top of that work too.
I participated and I still have access to the dev area of the old OpenKore, for those who don't know it's an autonomous bot from Ragnarok, Autonomo because not even the official client was needed, so I have a little knowledge of how this is done...
Having said all this above, I propose to update the Exiled-Bot, with this pandamia I have some free time and I can dedicate myself to that.
I'm not asking to join the team, and I don't want to, I'm just proposing to help the community, as I know the work it takes, in some ATT it can take more than 48 hours of continuous work.
The usual tools like x64dbg, Ollydbg, IDA and Packet analyzer(sniffer) I know how to use, so I wouldn't have problems with that.
I would just need to hear it clear, the thread of the skein, a list of the addresses we need, it could be the old ones, no problem, just to situate myself with what has already been done and what I need to look for.
And of course, if you hear any tools ready to convert the data to what will be used in Exiled-Bot.
In case any of the dev want this help, I'm up for it.
Thank you and I hope to help

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