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v 0.20 B bugs

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Confirmed Bug

- Act 3 Too far from Waypoint

** Solution Suggestion : After several tries on Zone Selecting IF Current Zone is not changing then Re-Click Waypoint **


- Act 2 Too far from Waypoint

Bot would sometimes stuck on the bottom stairs


F11 will not Reload Settings

tried this with Skill setup


- Fighting ghost mob


- upon Death, Bot do not select "Ressurect at Town" or "Ressurect at Checkpoint"



Un-Confirmed Bug (from previous version)

- Open Chest disable : Bot Stuck on chest,barrel,etc


- Back and Forth bug


- Corrupted Area, Bot goes to Vessel before killing Boss



Fixed Confirmed

 ̶C̶̶a̶̶n̶̶n̶̶o̶̶t̶ ̶D̶̶i̶̶s̶̶a̶̶b̶̶l̶̶e̶ ̶C̶̶h̶̶i̶̶c̶̶k̶̶e̶̶n̶

Edited by hamncheese

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Huge new bug here:


After completing 1 map, it will just sit and town doing nothing, I've tried clean install and everything, it just goes to town, sells, stashes, goes back toward wp and it doesn't even select the wp, it just idles there and spams those lines in the lastrun.log and it keeps going that way, I've pasted the log from when the bot tps to go back to town, this version is unusable until this gets fixed sadly.


2014-07-20 09:30:14 [info] -> Picking item
2014-07-20 09:30:15 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2014-07-20 09:30:15 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:16 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2014-07-20 09:30:16 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2014-07-20 09:30:16 [info] -> Moving to position(6548.913086, 3755.434814). State Priority: 15
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Moving to position(6548.913086, 3755.434814). State Priority: 15
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Moving to position(6548.913086, 3755.434814). State Priority: 15
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2014-07-20 09:30:17 [info] -> Moving to position(6548.913086, 3755.434814). State Priority: 15
2014-07-20 09:30:18 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2014-07-20 09:30:18 [info] -> Tp to town for stashing
2014-07-20 09:30:18 [info] -> Moving to position(6548.913086, 3755.434814). State Priority: 15
2014-07-20 09:30:18 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2014-07-20 09:30:22 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2014-07-20 09:30:24 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2014-07-20 09:30:27 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2014-07-20 09:30:29 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2014-07-20 09:30:32 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2014-07-20 09:30:34 [info] -> Using currency on item...
2014-07-20 09:30:35 [info] -> Moving to position(5613.720703, 5625.074219). State Priority: 2
2014-07-20 09:30:35 [info] -> Moving to position(5625.000000, 5625.000000). State Priority: 2
2014-07-20 09:30:35 [info] -> Moving to position(5625.000000, 5625.000000). State Priority: 2
2014-07-20 09:30:36 [info] -> Idling...
2014-07-20 09:30:36 [info] -> Selecting area...
2014-07-20 09:30:38 [info] -> Selecting area...
2014-07-20 09:30:39 [info] -> Selecting area...
2014-07-20 09:30:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:43 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:43 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:44 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:45 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:46 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:47 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:48 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:49 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:50 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:51 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:52 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:53 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:54 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> Creating tp...
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..
2014-07-20 09:30:55 [info] -> Creating tp...
Edited by roneo1234

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I'm starting to wonder how you can even charge money for a bot that is so damn bugged.

Now u can't even do maps anymore since it comes to town to sell loot and just doesnt do shit. In addition it doesn't kill the stuff that necros have resurrected.

In addition to that since I knew the new version was bugged I was using the 0.19b till now for mapping which was horrible as well since yesterday alone the bot closed itself like 8 times. 

I really hope you can at least get rid of these "main" bugs. 

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got the same issue as reneo1234, and i dont understand the bug 'to far from waipoint' never happenned to me

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I'm starting to wonder how you can even charge money for a bot that is so damn bugged.

Now u can't even do maps anymore since it comes to town to sell loot and just doesnt do shit. In addition it doesn't kill the stuff that necros have resurrected.

In addition to that since I knew the new version was bugged I was using the 0.19b till now for mapping which was horrible as well since yesterday alone the bot closed itself like 8 times. 

I really hope you can at least get rid of these "main" bugs. 


Necros resurrected are ignored because they don't give you any xp / loot.

I'll see why bot is coming back to town to sell stuff and standing.

Never saw the bot closing itself, please give more details on how to reproduce (on latest version ofc).

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About the bug reported in this topic, the bot tand on wp in town or in laboratory.

Thanks for sharing your log I'll release a fix asap.

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About the bug reported in this topic, the bot tand on wp in town or in laboratory.

Thanks for sharing your log I'll release a fix asap.


The bot stands in town, not lab, it doesn't even go back to lab.

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Ive caught the bot several times standing next to act 3 vendor with the dialogue (Sell, Purchase etc) open. As far as I can tell this happens when the bot sells all the stuff and accidentally clicks on the NPC on its way to stash.


This is a pretty old one: the bot goes to town via TP and as soon as it enters the town it clicks the TP immediately back (or clicks the TP back after IDing loot) thus rerunning the same instance again, this time with (almost) no monsters. Happens more often than I'd like.

Edited by bbones

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Necros resurrected are ignored because they don't give you any xp / loot.

I'll see why bot is coming back to town to sell stuff and standing.

Never saw the bot closing itself, please give more details on how to reproduce (on latest version ofc).

It just happened again. Says blablabla has stopped working and the bot is not responding. Is there any way I could produce useful information?

And yeah the map problem was that the char goes back to town and stands on the wpt and doesnt do anything. Doesn't go back to the map and doesnt sell loot either. What I found about it was that the bot had skipped? the town part because when I moved the character back into lab manually(while the bot was not paused) it took over in lab and went back into the map.

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All quests completed. Bot tries to sell id'ed items at Clarissa and selects "Purchase" instead of "Sell". do we have a fix for this? bot is unable to continue to next run due to trying to sell stuff on the "Purchase" option at Clarissa. Is there a way to change vendor to Hargan?

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Ive caught the bot several times standing next to act 3 vendor with the dialogue (Sell, Purchase etc) open. As far as I can tell this happens when the bot sells all the stuff and accidentally clicks on the NPC on its way to stash.

i agree with this saw this a couple of times too

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got the same issue as reneo1234, and i dont understand the bug 'to far from waipoint' never happenned to me

Maths how many vm/account u have open simultaneously ?

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All quests completed. Bot tries to sell id'ed items at Clarissa and selects "Purchase" instead of "Sell". do we have a fix for this? bot is unable to continue to next run due to trying to sell stuff on the "Purchase" option at Clarissa. Is there a way to change vendor to Hargan?

you need to change the cordinates in the pickit. 

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have the bug with maps to saw it once spend all portals in and out. after every other map stuck in town. enabeld it to run sc pice but he wouldn't take them ( might be my fault ).

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So i've been sitting here checking to see if theres possibly a way to hash this problem out myself and I noticed that my bot only idles in town when it's returned to sell something. If it's completed a map/area fully and returns to town, it continues on with its process. Just figured i'd share my input on the matter, thinking maybe it may narrow the coding down some solution wise

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bug sometimes on Piety Farm, is just circles around the boss room and go to the middle then stop until it chickens out and doesnt kill piety.

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2014-07-23 10:32:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:32:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:33:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:41 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:42 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:43 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:44 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:45 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:46 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:47 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:48 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:49 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:50 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:51 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:52 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:53 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:54 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:55 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:56 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:57 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:58 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:34:59 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:00 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:01 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:02 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:03 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:04 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:05 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:06 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:07 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:08 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:09 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:10 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:11 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:12 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:13 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:14 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:15 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:16 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:17 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:18 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:19 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:20 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:21 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:22 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:23 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:24 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:25 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:26 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:27 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:28 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:29 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:30 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:31 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:32 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:33 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:34 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:35 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:36 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:37 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:38 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:39 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> BFS failed, bot can't explore area anymore, going back to town..

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> Creating tp...

2014-07-23 10:35:40 [info] -> Network Entity Counter: 64



I dont know what is wrong with this bot, very often, the Bot is disabled, all stats on status site are cleared. Most of the time he does a Map, and than after this, he standing in Town and do nothing.

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