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Ranged skill do not work properly with a pool of monsters

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Hi everyone!


I faced this problem since an early release, but it still not fixed.


The thing is, that ranged bow skill not working properly with monsters, that "unfreeze" when character approaching them, like stone titans, crawling out of the ground zombies, giant skeletons in museum, etc. Bot notice such monsters from distance and start shooting and as they do not unfreeze, nothing happens untill map run time expires. This makes impossible of running most part of maps by bow-character.


Will it be fixed in future versions, or there is any kind of idea how to fix it now? 

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Agreed, the whole point is to try and keep your distance, a bit hard when you have to face tank everything just to not shoot at monsters which are not visible yet. would love to see this problem get a little attention, even if just a reasonable work around. Not everyone just wants to play leap+gound slam or flicker builds <which the bot works amazing for I might add :P>

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Same problem here with my Ranger, cant run library and sometimes piety runs. i cant fix it - made a few tests - no results - lower skill distance isnt a solution, its too dangerous in endgame

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You can have your primary skill in Left mouse, this solved the problem.

However you can only have 1 skill that move and attack available monster like this. 

Other buttons like right mouse, q,w,e... make you stationary while casting so make it range 430 and below will be fine otherwise bot will attack at "unavailable" mobs non stop.

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Go-around / Fix:

1. Place your main ranged skill on *left mouse* as highest priority


2. Disable "press shift while attacking"


3. Lower your skillrange (<400)

Edited by CopyCat

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Go-around / Fix:

1. Place your main ranged skill on *left mouse* as highest priority


2. Disable "press shift while attacking"


3. Lower your skillrange (<400)

unfortunately this does not work with skills like summon raging spirits

in general less range than 400 is also not enough, even with 300 i get stuck sometimes(skeletons in library)


this might sound like a minor problem but on endgame maps it makes a huge difference if u need to almost melee or can offscreen a lot of enemies...

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unfortunately this does not work with skills like summon raging spirits

in general less range than 400 is also not enough, even with 300 i get stuck sometimes(skeletons in library)


this might sound like a minor problem but on endgame maps it makes a huge difference if u need to almost melee or can offscreen a lot of enemies...

If you set your main range acttack in L mouse then you dont need to set skill-range anymore, this is due to the game's mechanic that your L mouse will walk/attack enemies on cursor which is what we want.


However, there is only one button available for us to have a range skill setup like that, other buttons like q,w,e,r... will simply make you standstill and cast/attack. So in the case of "unavailable monster" like those only spawn when you walk nearby, your only hope is using your left mouse setup.


Exile-bot is doing really good with melee characters however ranger setup need this really bad. My suggestion is to include list of monster that are causing the problem which are actually not a whole lot. I can point them out right now, these are the monster-types that are require bot to get pretty close (300-420 range) in order for them to appear and be vulnerable for killing: 

Basically these are mobs like status, burrowed crab-like, burrowed zombies, Golem, giant cockroach pop up from ground, mud-like pop up from water.

I really hope that Alk can make a list of monster that are required to use certain skills, in this case we can setup L mouse so we can move close to them and attack as soon as they are vulnerable. Or even better if the bot can detect whether mobs are available or not :P


Please make this happen Alk! 

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