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Bot getting stuck (log)

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catched the bot getting stuck again in a map (happens a lot) and this time i captured the log


2014-06-22 10:00:44 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (149, 541)
2014-06-22 10:00:54 [pathfinding] -> BFS (Exploring) took: 9500 ms
2014-06-22 10:00:54 [pathfinding] -> Player(150, 540) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2014-06-22 10:00:54 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (149, 541)
2014-06-22 10:00:54 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(149, 541)->Node(302, 1888)
2014-06-22 10:01:00 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(149, 541)->Node(302, 1888) took: 6031 ms, cost: 0.000000
2014-06-22 10:01:00 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2014-06-22 10:01:00 [pathfinding] -> Player(150, 540) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2014-06-22 10:01:00 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (149, 541)
2014-06-22 10:01:10 [pathfinding] -> BFS (Exploring) took: 9641 ms
2014-06-22 10:01:10 [pathfinding] -> Player(150, 540) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2014-06-22 10:01:10 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (149, 541)
2014-06-22 10:01:10 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(149, 541)->Node(302, 1888)
2014-06-22 10:01:16 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(149, 541)->Node(302, 1888) took: 6125 ms, cost: 0.000000
2014-06-22 10:01:16 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2014-06-22 10:01:16 [pathfinding] -> Player(150, 540) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2014-06-22 10:01:16 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (149, 541)
2014-06-22 10:01:26 [pathfinding] -> BFS (Exploring) took: 9578 ms
2014-06-22 10:01:26 [pathfinding] -> Player(150, 540) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
2014-06-22 10:01:26 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (149, 541)
2014-06-22 10:01:26 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(149, 541)->Node(302, 1888)
2014-06-22 10:01:32 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(149, 541)->Node(302, 1888) took: 6031 ms, cost: 0.000000
2014-06-22 10:01:32 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms
2014-06-22 10:01:32 [pathfinding] -> Player(150, 540) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...
But : the player is walkable !

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