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program restarts @ 10-20 minutes of running

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im currently using the free bot and every 10-20 minutes the program closes and restarts...


anyone else having this issue? my friends use the free one too and it seems to happen to me more then them.. they can run theres a few hours before it crash's

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Yup.. running it in a VM, have everything installed and when I would leave the bot on its own and go to bed or somethin, I'd wake up and find out that it crashed 10 minutes after I left. This is pretty random and I can't figure out what's causing it :l

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It just happened to me a minute ago, Here is the log:

2014-06-22 20:53:25 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_right key at distance : 115.472458
2014-06-22 20:53:25 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_right key at distance : 115.472458
2014-06-22 20:53:25 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_right key at distance : 115.472458
2014-06-22 20:53:25 [info] -> Attacking monster using mouse_right key at distance : 115.472458
2014-06-22 20:53:25 [info] -> Moving to position(7640.378418, 2297.177246). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:26 [info] -> Moving to position(7640.378418, 2297.177246). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:26 [info] -> Moving to position(7640.378418, 2297.177246). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:26 [info] -> Moving to position(7640.378418, 2297.177246). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:26 [info] -> Moving to position(7640.378418, 2297.177246). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:26 [info] -> Moving to position(7658.490723, 2286.803467). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:26 [info] -> Moving to position(7727.869629, 2254.956055). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:26 [info] -> Moving to position(8527.173828, 1853.260864). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:27 [info] -> Moving to position(8527.173828, 1853.260864). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:28 [info] -> Moving to position(8527.173828, 1853.260864). State Priority: 11
2014-06-22 20:53:28 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory
2014-06-22 20:53:28 [info] -> Restart state because map is cleared
2014-06-22 20:53:29 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-06-22 20:53:29 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory
2014-06-22 20:53:29 [info] -> Restart state because map is cleared
2014-06-22 20:53:30 [info] -> Chickened like a b!tch !!
2014-06-22 20:53:30 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory
2014-06-22 20:53:30 [info] -> Restart state because map is cleared
2014-06-22 20:53:37 [info] -> Logging into the game
2014-06-22 20:53:37 [info] -> Exiting bot

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