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0.19b issues

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First of all, character now at least correctly returns to the portal if Piety is yet to be killed, thanks.


1. Piety - when room is opened the bot explores it and then stucks.


Possible solution: we always start at 6 o'clock and then move anticlockwise, so after the exploration on the OUTER circle of the room (Piety resides on the inner one) bot stucks somwhere on 7 o'clock, because of big range to Piety he doesn't trigger the dialog, so what will happen if at that point (7 o'clock) clear the Piety room explore cache and let it explore again? and maybe 2-3 retries can help.


2. Dominus - bot goes straight to the Dominus and starts to hit it even when it flies away, so it results in hitting the spot on the ground just below Dominus.


3. When the corrupted area is cleared bot stucks until idle time is reached, maybe consider lowering the default value to 60 seconds?


4. Profile changer, now it works (yay!), and when changing profile you chose to log out, and after that change the profile. But it is bad thing because when change timeout is 1 minute the bot will log out way to often (possible reports from friends = ban). I suggest leave it running, do not log out just change the profile, you have pretty safe logic with auras, so for example if i start the profile even when auras are enabled the bot will first disable them and after that enable again, it seems nice (at least much better than logout).


5. Many white items, as timeouts solutions seemingly are not working, i assume to implement "default action" to the Pickit.

I don't know it's specific implementation but as i understand bot first picks items depending on the "left" operand (the rules before "#") and then if the rules on the right side are true it will stash it. And so all rules for the left side are called for each item on the ground starting from top of the Pickit file.

So as solution i tried to add to the very end of the file " # [sellItem] == "true" ", but obviously if there are no left operand before "#" it will pick up all items. The original idea as i said was to add some [DefaultAction], let's say [DefaultAction] always fails on check, so no items can be picked with it, but it will proceed with the right side. So " [DefaultAction] # [sellItem] == "true" " may help.

P.S. As i saw you somehow link the item to the rule it was picked with, so it will not run other rules right side parts, and i think the "junk" items must have some specific shit in the "link" data, so you can also somehow identify them by it.


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One more thing is in the Skills tab.


1. Create one more profile, lets say "ololo", now we have "ololo" and "default".

1. Set the "Use Mana Flast when Mana is lower than" to 3% on "deafult".

2. Press "Save"

3. Switch to "ololo" and back to the "default".

4. 3% became 2%.

5. Repeat steps #2 and #3, with each iterations it will drop by 1%.

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It seems that i may be wrong in some parts in the first post, if junk item is just misclicked somehow(and the real one is still on the ground), then it will have it's pointer that refers to the rule it was picked with, to be initialized by the valid one. So here are my thoughts:


Basically all non-currency items are picked with Pickit, so - each item is conforming to at least one rule from the config. However, junk items are not conforming to any rule (by default pickit config). So what will help seems to do double-check when arriving at town, just check if all items in inventory conform to the rules, and the one that have no rule (if it has no rule to match means it is accidentally picked) - mark it by " [sellItem] == "true" " it seems to have 100% result as we will have only items that are defined in pickit here, and also doesn't look hard to implement so it shouldn't take much time, basically just need to replace *ItemsOnTheGround* vector with *InventoryItems* vector and run your some *TownJunkCheck()* method between *IdentifyItems()* and *SellItems()*

TownJunkCheck() may be just like *PickItems()* but without clicking logic.

P.S. need additionally check on chromatics logic.

Edited by FakeName

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Catacombs run: bot go to Marketplace with new instance and just click The Catacombs gate. I suggest new instance creation and just clicking should be swapped.


Chromatic items: bot ignored magic 3 sock golden mask on Cruel Broken Bridge.

Edited by GMT

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Thanks for the report and the suggestion, I already fixed some of the mentionned bugs for next release and I'm working with Blacksun on fixing the rest.

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