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Bot attacks fine until mobs get close and I have a bow equipped?

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Hello all,


I just started using this tool today, and I must say I love it so far, except one slight problem....


My bot works fine and does what he should unless I have a bow equipped, and a mob runs right up to my face, at that point the bot stops working entirely. It won't use flasks, chicken, or attack, or anything actually....


Also, quick question, when using a bow he always just stands still and fires, never tries to escape the mobs at all....any suggestions, or is this a known issue?


Thanks in advance for any help you are able to give!


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My bot works fine and does what he should unless I have a bow equipped, and a mob runs right up to my face, at that point the bot stops working entirely. It won't use flasks, chicken, or attack, or anything actually....

Show us your skills.ini file.


Also, quick question, when using a bow he always just stands still and fires, never tries to escape the mobs at all....any suggestions, or is this a known issue?

It's known issue. Melee builds are better for botting atm.


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DarkKnights - I did not see the full forum list originally so I did post twice in incorrect forums, if a moderator would be kind enough to remove the other two, I would appreciate it and apologize for that. I am going to check what you said, as my right click is indeed not bound to a key.


I will check that and then post my skills.ini if it still does not work.


DarkKnights - THANK YOU! That worked no problem whatsoever, any other tips you could give a beginner to this bot would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by TheCableGuy

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Next issue, when my bot is in town it goes to a vendor to sell something, and just stops. Never moves again, just moves cursor from vendor to a few feet away then back repeatedly...any suggestions?

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Hello CableGuy,


This could be a offset issue. The default setting is for Garena, change it back to vanilla and hopefully that will resolve the problem. Looks like you're offline now, but hopefully you've either resolved the issue or you can try this. Feel free to PM if you encounter any other issues or the shout box is a great resource as well.


Happy hunting.

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