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Banned, banned and...banned again!

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So yeah, I got banned about week and a half ago after running 24/7 for almost 2-3 months.

I bought a vpn (forgot to change my mac tho) and I got banned again on 2 accs I just created (runned 18hr each).

New ip, I changed mac this time and I was safe for around 5 days, everything was fine and then boom, I just got banned. Used 2 accs botting 18hrs each.

So here's my quesion - should I still make a new accs and bot somewhat safer, like reduce botting time/only 1 acc at the time/whatever or just give up?
Cheers for all the suggestions.

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Hey dude,

First don't bot 24h, try to do maximum 8-12h max botting sessions.

Then you can level two characters on two different account and then alternate them with each other on the same VM.

But don't forget to change the ip and mac address each time you switch account on a VM.

Don't bot too much in the same zone, especially if there is a big level difference between your char and the area.


Finally I don't know if VPN is a good idea as it looks like GGG has a way to check if an ip is a vpn, and ban it.

However I'm not 100% sure about that, mostly because there should be at least some legit player whose are behind vpn ip for X reasons and banning somebody only because he's behind a VPN would be something very very stupid..

Personally I don't use any VPN.


So bot smart, try to make your character act as most human as possible and everything should be fine :)

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Using a VPN isn't what gets you banned.

GGG have on several occasions encouraged people to use VPN's to, for instance, be able to connect to the patching server, if your ISP is blocking stuff.

I highly doubt that they would encourage people to use VPN's, and then just ban people who do.


Also, VPN's are used by a lot of people who wish to be anonymous when browsing the web, chatting, playing games etc. So it's not a 100% bot flag that you're running a VPN.


Now, running stuff in a VM on the other hand could potentially be dangerous, as you will always send certain info along with requests in game.

What these information are, i do not know. But a lot of games collect information about graphics card, ram and CPU for statistics. If your VM is running something obvious, then they may flag you. - Again, i have no idea if they're collecting this information or not.


As Alk said, limit your botting time. I've been running 12-16 hours a day for months without issues.


Switching zones according to your level is good too. If you're more than 10 levels above the zone you're playing in (with exception of docks/lunaris/library/catacombs), then it gets suspicious. - Personally, i have a randomizer running that will perform anywhere from 1-5 runs in a speciffic zone, and then switch.


When/if you're going to do zone switching, try to switch zones so that you won't end up in the same town every run. How the bot behaves in town can easily be spotted as botting, if you come back every 5-6 minutes after a run, and do the exact same thing over and over.


Being active in trade chat is also good. I like to convert all my currency into exalts/chaos at the end of a botting session, and then drop transfer to my main/mule.

I also buy items in trade chat, and interact.


Playing manually once every few days helps too. Joining public groups, doing stuff for a few runs, then leave, go back to botting.


Those are just some of the steps i take, and i have yet to be banned.

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Using a VPN isn't what gets you banned.

GGG have on several occasions encouraged people to use VPN's to, for instance, be able to connect to the patching server, if your ISP is blocking stuff.

I highly doubt that they would encourage people to use VPN's, and then just ban people who do.


Also, VPN's are used by a lot of people who wish to be anonymous when browsing the web, chatting, playing games etc. So it's not a 100% bot flag that you're running a VPN.


Now, running stuff in a VM on the other hand could potentially be dangerous, as you will always send certain info along with requests in game.

What these information are, i do not know. But a lot of games collect information about graphics card, ram and CPU for statistics. If your VM is running something obvious, then they may flag you. - Again, i have no idea if they're collecting this information or not.


As Alk said, limit your botting time. I've been running 12-16 hours a day for months without issues.


Switching zones according to your level is good too. If you're more than 10 levels above the zone you're playing in (with exception of docks/lunaris/library/catacombs), then it gets suspicious. - Personally, i have a randomizer running that will perform anywhere from 1-5 runs in a speciffic zone, and then switch.


When/if you're going to do zone switching, try to switch zones so that you won't end up in the same town every run. How the bot behaves in town can easily be spotted as botting, if you come back every 5-6 minutes after a run, and do the exact same thing over and over.


Being active in trade chat is also good. I like to convert all my currency into exalts/chaos at the end of a botting session, and then drop transfer to my main/mule.

I also buy items in trade chat, and interact.


Playing manually once every few days helps too. Joining public groups, doing stuff for a few runs, then leave, go back to botting.


Those are just some of the steps i take, and i have yet to be banned.


Good points....some vpns tho will get u banned...like the free ones / ones that are super duper popular to many users on a small pool of ips


The main point is the 24/7 ...i believe the days of that are over and GGG have some hueristics which pick up 24/7 


also could ya'll use the ban reports thread for your bans...that way its all in one place :)

Edited by pronoooob

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Okay thanks for all the great suggestions, i'll start fresh then and do only 12hr sessions + zone changing, hopefully I won't get banned so quickly.

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