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New Gameplay Video Revealed for Poe 2 and The Announcement of Ultimatum’s Expansion

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Almost a couple of years after the announcement of its sequel, the company has showed the progress obtained through a new video gameplay of almost 20 minutes. Not only this, but they have also presented a first look at the next expansion for the original title: Ultimatum.

As we can see in the video, PoE 2 has evolved notably in terms of graphics and lighting, along with a noticeable improvement in animations. This ambitious sequel promises impressive new areas plagued by enemies, fast-paced boss battles, and depth worthy of studio work.

In this specific video gameplay we can see the ancient dunes of the Vastiri desert, where in addition to witnessing this vast environment, we learn how to transverse it armed with crossbows and lances.

In addition to the new PoE 2 gameplay shown, the studio has also taken the opportunity to announce a new expansion for the original title. We are talking about PoE: Ultimatum, which is presented through a new action-packed trailer.

In the trailer, we learn about some of the highlights coming to Ultimatum, including Trials of Chaos, the Ultimatum Challenge League, eight new skill gems, dozens of new items, and much more.

PoE 2 will arrive sometime in 2022 on PC, without a specific date announced yet. Its creators assured that their idea is not to completely replace the first game but to coexist through the same client giving the ability to users to transfer their characters from one campaign to another without issues. We hope to hear more about the game in the coming months.

For the moment we recommend you go through the official PoE 2 channel on YouTube, as they show all the news regarding the last event on stream. Remember you can use p0e.com - a trustworthy website for micro transactions - to buy all your in-game stuff.

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