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Bot isn't working

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Hey guys, I am newer to PoE and I have botted before in a few games and thought i was getting this set up right. I followed just about every guide or video i saw on these forums for getting this bot setup but it isn't working right. I can start the game, put it into 800x600 windowed etc. Set up my skills, the map I want to farm and start it. It will go to the stash, stash extra items. Go to the waypoint and create a new instance of the zone its farming. But then it just sits at the waypoint. It's not doing anything. I can move the mouse etc. and after the inactive time hits the cap i set it will relog and do it all over again. Any help on getting the bot to start farming the zone like it's supposed to? I have tried mud flats, submerged passage, and the ledge all with the same problem.



FIXED: Someone in the chat helped me realize one of my skills was set as an aura by accident. Thanks klick!

Edited by lejion

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