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2 bots/2 VM: 1 VM would freeze up.

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Hey guys,


When I run 2 bots, which means 2 VM, one VM will eventually freeze up. I had to end the process and restart the VM. Sometimes it'll be able to run for couple hour, but eventually 1 VM will freeze up. Is it because my CPU not able to handle it? I think it should be.


My system spec having:

i5-2500k cpu

8GB of RAM

GTX 680 2GB

Samsung SSD 830 128GB


Each VM I had it:

Memory: 1024 MB

Processor: 1

Hard Disk: 15 GB (SSD)


When running 2 VM and botting, the CPU usage on Window's Task Manager Performance tab would be around 80-90% CPU usage.

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1) Use fps limiter. It'll significantly lower CPU usage.

2) I've had same problem with just 1 VM running. Fixed it by using ahk script that reloads poe and bot every hour.

  Sleep, 3600000
  Process, close, PathOfExile.exe
  Process, close, ExiledBot.exe
  Sleep, 1427
  run, PathOfExile.lnk, C:\Path\to\poe
  run, ExiledBot.lnk, C:\Path\to\bot
  sleep, 10765

  WinActivate, Exiled Bot (Elite)
  MouseClick, left, 332, 531

Edited by kokosoida

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1) Use fps limiter. It'll significantly lower CPU usage.

2) I've had same problem with just 1 VM running. Fixed it by using ahk script that reloads poe and bot every hour.

  Sleep, 3600000
  Process, close, PathOfExile.exe
  Process, close, ExiledBot.exe
  Sleep, 1427
  run, PathOfExile.lnk, C:\Path\to\poe
  run, ExiledBot.lnk, C:\Path\to\bot
  sleep, 10765

  WinActivate, Exiled Bot (Elite)
  MouseClick, left, 332, 531


Oh wow, that fixed the problem. I didn't had my limiter working right. Thanks for the tip!

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