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Need help with Marauder build

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seems suicidal even for a Softcore League Toon

1, u have blood magic, (i dont think u get any reduced mana passives or use alphas, extreme life regen)

2, the problem is furhter exacerbated and ur survivability as a whole ....by the fact that u dont get many (if any really) defensive nodes 


from what i can gather from the randomness of your tree, is that you want to run infernal blow????



ziggyd nice and simple 

Edited by pronoooob

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Yeah like Pro says defences really need boosting. Plus I always go for attack speed over increased damage, better to hit smaller and more often I think as there's on average less DPS wastage on kill, more chance to switch to another target sooner, faster resets of leeching (so helps even more with vaal pact as you're topping up less but more often). The attack speed passives usually give a similar DPS increase as the lower phys damage nodes but also give bonus to ele too and more to chance to do anything that's "on hit". You've got no crit passives in there so resolute technique would mean you'll always hit and can forget about accuracy on gear. Leather and steel definitely worth getting for bot movement speed + defences and it picks up acceleration on way across. Take the crit reduction node too you're either side of it :)

Edited by bonebox

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