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Chat box

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I just tought about it, a chat box would be a nice way for people to ask about bot status without creating many threads for the ETA. At the same time, some other question could be easily awnsered that way ! Many other bot community had a IRC chat for those things, tho I dont believe the community is big enough for now for this but a chat box would be a nice step in that way.

Its only a little idea that I tought would be nice :)

Sorry for my english, if you dont understand anything just ask me and i'll rephrase !

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Good idea, i'll try to add this tonight, just came back from skydiving...kinda sleepy lol xD

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My only advice would be to ensure you know ahead of time the limit to resource by your host. phpBB chat addon's have been notoriously piggish with resource due to the refresh rates. Most do not use a live chat, but rather more of an auto refreshing shoutbox. AJAX is always a nice route, but again with resources.

When setting up the same on my old forum, I ended up going with an outside chat source, such as FlashChat or Chat123, etc...

Of course, if your are on a Dedicated the potential for issue is minimal. I only mention this because the site's IP traces back to Limestone, which is predominantly a Dedi provider, as far as I can recall.

Though, I would hope you guys are not shelling out that cash on a dedicated for a community of this size.

Anyway, just a bit of friendly advice from former experience.

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just found the chat box today since i normally dont go to the main page after login ;)

so for all the other ppl around: THE CHAT BOX ROX


would be nice if u could make it sizeable. or bigger ;)


my fault. was just to dumb to use the chat properly. ;)

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