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attacking dead monster

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Hi, I am running a facebreaker build where mobs blow up when i kill them.
but with the new versions sometimes the bot just keep attacking a pile of meat from the dead monster. 


please help :P

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Same happens with me. 


It does not always attack blown up monsters, but it happens pretty often (~5 times at 1 map)

Bot chikens (like a b!tch!) because "Restart state because no monster were killed for some_value seconds "



2014-04-10 10:08:45 [info] -> Picking item
2014-04-10 10:08:45 [info] -> Picking item
2014-04-10 10:08:46 [info] -> Moving to position(3429.347656, 4157.608398). State Priority: 15
2014-04-10 10:08:46 [info] -> Moving to position(3429.347656, 4157.608398). State Priority: 15
2014-04-10 10:08:46 [info] -> Moving to position(3429.347656, 4157.608398). State Priority: 15
2014-04-10 10:08:46 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 83.564926
2014-04-10 10:08:46 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 59.854504
2014-04-10 10:08:47 [info] -> Idling...
2014-04-10 10:08:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(3891.638428, 3978.513916, -106.138565). State Priority: 2
2014-04-10 10:08:47 [info] -> Exploring to position(3989.033691, 3932.064941, -106.138565). State Priority: 2
2014-04-10 10:08:47 [info] -> Moving to position(3727.716064, 3890.144043). State Priority: 15
2014-04-10 10:08:48 [info] -> Moving to position(3674.944580, 3776.444092). State Priority: 15
2014-04-10 10:08:48 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 104.439316
2014-04-10 10:08:48 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.938637
2014-04-10 10:08:48 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.938637
2014-04-10 10:08:49 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.938637
2014-04-10 10:08:49 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.833099
2014-04-10 10:08:49 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.833099
2014-04-10 10:08:50 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.833099
2014-04-10 10:08:50 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.833099
2014-04-10 10:08:50 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.833099
2014-04-10 10:08:50 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.833099
2014-04-10 10:08:51 [info] -> Mana flask taken
2014-04-10 10:08:51 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.833099
2014-04-10 10:08:51 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 57.144943
2014-04-10 10:08:51 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 57.144943
2014-04-10 10:08:52 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 57.144943
2014-04-10 10:08:52 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 61.048283
2014-04-10 10:08:52 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 107.405602
2014-04-10 10:08:52 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 107.405602
2014-04-10 10:08:53 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 107.405602
2014-04-10 10:08:53 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:53 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:53 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:54 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:54 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:54 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:54 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:55 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:55 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:55 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:56 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:56 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:56 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:56 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:57 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:57 [info] -> Mana flask taken
2014-04-10 10:08:57 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:57 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:58 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:58 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:58 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 102.200127
2014-04-10 10:08:58 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 106.520630
2014-04-10 10:08:59 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 101.313148
2014-04-10 10:08:59 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 101.313148
2014-04-10 10:08:59 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:00 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:00 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:00 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:00 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:01 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:01 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:01 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:02 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:02 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 98.579712
2014-04-10 10:09:02 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:02 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:03 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:03 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:03 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:03 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:04 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:04 [info] -> Attacking monster using X key at distance : 97.195671
2014-04-10 10:09:04 [info] -> NetXork Entity Counter: 845

Edited by kokosoida

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Had the same problem, it disappeared as soon as i deactivated tempest shield. Maybe try deactivating some skills (esp. buffs/auras) and see if the problem disappears 

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