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Bot Vs. Ban questions, accidentally had in wrong forum..

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Sorry I just need some clarity  :o

First off I plan to run a bot not on a virtual machine, 1 IP, 1 Comp, 1 account for roughly 4-8 hours at a time maybe 3 times a week...

How often do bans occur?
Are they for the 1 account?
Are they IP bans, Mac bans, or just account bans?
Are they permanent bans?

And would it be safe to dump profits into my guilds guild bank?

My main account has a completely different acct name and char names, is it safe from the ban if I do get one?
If not, does this jeoprodize everyone on my home network playing path?

Sorry I just want to be as thorough as possible,
Thanks, any and all answers are greatly appreciated  :)

*Edit* or just point me to where some of the questions have previously been answered, something is better then nothing  :o 

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Bans have been occurring more frequently then usual. Meaning GGG has a way of finding botters. This could be due to a certain action or series of action done by the bot in a repeated sequence that triggers the red flag.


Having only a single account cannot determine if u will get banned or not since no one knows how the bots are being detected in the 1st place. Obviously it has been said many times that its safer to just bot a single account but this was before these past few weeks where bans have been hitting bots all over the place.


And once banned i dont think it matters if its an IP or MAC ban. Firstly both can be evaded. Secondly once ur account is flagged, its flagged even if you get it unbanned so even if you can bot after an hour of being unbanned..u'll still be banned eventualy.


So it all comes down to the same exact phrase the admins have been repeating since day one.'Botting is a risk and you will eventualy get banned and they are not liable."

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Thanks guys, I understand the "I'll probably get banned" risk, I've accepted that, my still standing fear is; I plan to use the bot on a diff account then my main..

I'm hearing something floating around that despite being on a different account my main account still isn't safe, neither is anyone playing path on my home network... is there any validity to this?

Edited by Cixxth

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Ok so I had a mule banned today. I'd only ever transfered to him, not botted on him, and never transfered away from him (only just started using him so didn't lose much, still annoying though). Weird thing is I have not had any bot accounts banned.

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