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Nervous about bottling, please answer these ban questions :(

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Sorry I just need some clarity :o

First off I plan to run a bot not on a virtual machine, 1 IP, 1 Comp, 1 account for roughly 4-8 hours at a time maybe 3 times a week...

How often do bans occur?

Are they for the 1 account?

Are they IP bans, Mac bans, or just account bans?

Are they permanent bans?

And would it be safe to dump profits into my guilds guild bank?

My main account has a completely different acct name and char names, is it safe from the ban if I do get one?

If not, does this jeoprodize everyone on my home network playing path?

Sorry I just want to be as thorough as possible,

Thanks, any and all answers are greatly appreciated :)

*Edit* or just point me to where some of the questions have previously been answered, something is better then nothing :o

Edited by Cixxth

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Best practices i've noticed have been to have each bot on a seperate IP and don't directly trade the items and or currency to the mule, that way you leave a digital trail.

party with a couple of your own characters preferably more than just you and the mule, drop and have the mule pick it up.

Don't friend your own bots to one another and dont friend your mule.

Never bot on your mules IP.

Don't get lazy and slip up, get the IP's mixed up per bot could lead to multiban. Be smart, don't do 24hour botting sessions try to keep it looking semi human

make sure to ocassionally talk in global or trade chat, get known just a little bit but keep friends to a bare minimum.


Be smart, don't be lazy about it.


Q: How often do bans occur?
A: Whenever they feel like it


Q: Are they for the 1 account?
A: Not always


Q: Are they IP bans, Mac bans, or just account bans?
A: IP and account I believe


Q: Are they permanent bans?
A: I'm not sure that all cases lead to permanent bans

Q: And would it be safe to dump profits into my guilds guild bank?
A: I would not think it would be safe.

Edited by SeriouslyJaded

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Q: How often do bans occur?

A: Whenever they feel like it. Occur much more often on the new leagues -> Ambush is ban central at the moment for many of our users. Yet many are running standard 24/7

Q: Are they for the 1 account?

A: Not always, can occur to any accounts on the same IP, guild, that party together ...etc

Q: Are they IP bans, Mac bans, or just account bans?

A: IP and account I believe

Q: Are they permanent bans?


Q: And would it be safe to dump profits into my guilds guild bank?

A: Would not put a bot in the same guild as your main as they will be associated, and if your bot is banned there may or may not be reprocussions for any other accounts in your guild. (not saying there is definately going to be....but there is a chance)


With regards to boting nothing is certain and all things regarding bans are pure speculation!. 

That being said it is common knowledge for most botters, not to run a bot on anything you care about, so if you are to bot an account, I would not use it on your main which you care about.

Edited by pronoooob

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