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Bot ignores some basic pickit instruction

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Not sure if anyone else has this problem, but since 0.16 i have these issues:


Bot picks up wetsone/armourer scrasp (not all the time), even if they are deleted from pickit file

Bot picks up normal gems even tho 1% is specified (never had this problem before 0.16) and it happens a lot even tho I only have 3 gems in the pickit file.

Bot sells quality gems (not always but like 30% of the time id say) even tho I specify 1% and there is nothing in the pickit file that would contradict this.


Bot stashes stacks of 40 wisdom scrolls (even if deleted in pickit). Not all the time but I have like 120 scrolls in my stash after a night run


I feel like but im not sure, that bot maybe selling some unique as well. Since 0.16, I dont get good uniques as often I used to for the last 4 months and its been like this since 0.16.


Not sure if it has to do with code sync or parralel programming that overrides some main execution, but it feels really weird that this is not happening 100% of the time... Maybe there is a Try Catch instruction and that overriding instructions takes place instead of crashing the bot?


Im not sure... but these are not major but still should be looked at. Does anyone else have these problems?

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