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Kill peons (range) before boss

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Seeing how the "Chicken on specific monster sight" isn't working (?) I was wondering if anyone knew or was brilliant enough to come up with a way to make the bot focus on the minions around a unique or special boss (within a certain range, MAYBE?) before beating on the special/unique.


Would CERTAINLY help with Kole and his dick hungry pals!

Edited by Parasitick

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At the moment the bot just targets closest then chooses skill based on the skill priorities. So if you set say 2 skills with the same range but set one to focus on "special" and the other "normal" with a higher priority it would still just target whatever was closest to it then use the priorities to choose the skill. Tried a ton of variations but this is definitely how it works. There's numerous feature requests in to prioritize targeting based on mob type, hopefully Alk will get to it at some point soon, think he's busy sorting maps at the mo :)

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I see. I forgot about the using on "special" and all that...maybe I can work something with that in the meantime... Thanks for the response and reminder!

Edited by Parasitick

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