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v0.16e Gem and loot pickup

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I dont know, but this version and the previous are selling Quality gems! It happens once in a while but often. Im using the 1.1 pickit from Phaukt.


The other thing is general loot pickup. With increased iiQ there lots of loot on ground and the bots takes ages picking it up, i know its a known problem but in my opinion its the worst. Takes minutes out of each run! 



Im just wondering if someone is doing something for this...




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I'm using old pickit and not seen it sell any qual gems have picked plenty up but can't see how the pickit could be affecting it.


With the slow item pickup try these settings they don't fix it but help a lot:




Alk: Isn't it possible to read the label coords from mem?

Edited by bonebox

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Thank you both, i tried but i dont seem to notice any difference. Otherwise the bot works great, i have no complaints, I admire all the hard work that the team has put in, i know its not as simple as some people think. 


As for the gem problem, its weird... Have regular loot in inventory and the bot sell the items by specific order and than all of a sudden goes back to the beginning and sells (sometimes) the % gem. Its very funny :)

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