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v0.16e, bot still sells scrolls, opened stash and keep clicking on wrong place in bot's inventory

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and also, the bot sometimes just move between the waypoint and seller in act 2 like he is trying to sell, wat has alkpone done to the bot since v0.16 seriously ?_?

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and also, the bot sometimes just move between the waypoint and seller in act 2 like he is trying to sell, wat has alkpone done to the bot since v0.16 seriously ?_?



Instead of whining, why you don't help me reproducing your bug ?


If you want to know what I've done since 0.16, this is very easy:


Fixed wrong stash tab selected issue.
Fixed bot stucked on stash.
Fixed wrong mods index if index >= 582).
Commented 3L and 4L pickup in default pickit.
Added a "mouse hovered entity check" when trying to enter catacombs from market on Area Transition tile.
Added a check if bot overshoot wp. 
Now all mods from ModsList.html file are working perfectly (ie. if you set attack_speed_+% it will REALLY consider  the % Increased Attack Speed of the item). Be careful!!! local_ mod name means that the mods is applied on the stats of the items rather than the stats of your char.
Fixed mutiple tab stashing. Just don't use it if you have some Remove-only tabs, remove them before botting. 
If bot opens Guild Stash while stashing now it detects it and close it.
Added a check if any window is open while Exiting to login (ie: Stash, Guild Stash, Waypoint, etc).
Fixed a crash that occured while reading stash tabs.
Now bot take Empower and Enhance gems properly if you set [Type] == "Empower" and [Type] == "Enhance" in pickit file.
Bot do not try tp stash Quest item anymore.
Offsets updated for Garena version 1.1.1b.
Added new check after casting Aura.
Improved Auth system to avoid issues.
If you are experiencing trouble with multiple stash tab, try to set ONLY ONE tab, it should work waiting for a better fix.
Offsets updated for game version 1.1.1b.
Reimplemented multiple stash tabs in a better way.
Multi-stashtab enabled in the GUI.
Added the possibility for the user to define some monsters name he wants the bot to avoid and chicken on sight.
Updated standard pickit, thanks to Phaukt for helping and sharing his work!
Fixed some pickit bugs (bot identifying every item even when not needed).
Fix bot not opening some chest when Open StrongBox was enable.
Found a memory leak due to bad cleaning while parsing map. Fixed now.
New tab added: Main settings, old Main settings renamed to Map settings (settings moved to the right tabs).
Offsets updated for Garena version 1.1.1.
ilvl is now detected properly.
Now bot won't take any 5S items anymore (ffs!) !!
Updated auth system to work with Singapore connections.
Fixed arctic armour aura not detected by the bot.
Bot now can open stronboxes if user desire (Main Config).
Chest detecting a bit changed, now the "Open Strongbox" and "Open Chest" settings working separately, so user can set up to open only one of them or both of them or none of them (before user had to enable Chest opening).
Now the the skill tree will show the keys in parenthesis for better visibility. (Note: If the user change the key then the parenthesis will be changed too.)
Act & Difficulty coordinates fixed.
Now before activating the key it will trim spaces from left and right.


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Can't reproduce in local anyone of the bug reported in this topic.

Anybody can help ?


I certainly will tonight when I come back from work. Anyways, Im not sure if 0.16e is the issue. I think its related to the phaukt pickit file. What I will do alk tonight is give you the pickit that makes my bot crash so maybe you can reproduce it. But its not crashing at the first attempt, you have to let the bot do a full run.

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