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Reave problem in Library

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So I've kinda just been coping with the problem for quite awhile now but decided to finally post about to see if anyone else has this problem or has a fix. I'm running a ranger using reave with a dagger and quite often my char gets stuck while fighting the big skeleton dogs in library. The problem is, the range of reave in its first stage is so short that my character is unable to reach the big skele dogs with attacks despite standing directly in front of it.
Usually what happens is I'll run out of mana then just sort of stand there taking hits until my char either dies or chickens out. I mean the obvious fix is don't use reave but I was wondering if anyone else has any other ideas on how to solve this? I find if I'm monitoring the bot and I simply run backwards to allow the bot to reposition it fixes it most of the time.
Maybe incorporate some sort of timer that will forcibly move the character around after a specific amount of time of not moving?

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