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bot wont run maps

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This just suddenly happened yesterday I was just botting maps for 3 days did not changed anything on config but suddenly after I Restart bot wont run map instead it runs normal areas.  

anyone experiencing this?

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Just want to say, I also get this issue and have been getting it for at least 4 days. I hope adding onto the pile will make someone recognize this issue and help us out :)

Steps I tried: 
- Completely deleting exiled bot and re-downloading and setting up all profiles from scratch

- Changed map stash tabs, and attempted to play around with stash tab numbering, but no method seems to work. I'm quite confident I have it setup correctly.

- Running as admin

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Well, it's not an issue anyone else is having. At least not if you have everything set up correctly.

// Tiers to run (difficult to use since one map can have up to four tiers)


// Limiting maps' tier to 6 to keep us within Chaos recipe zone

Depending on what map.ipd you're using.
You're either trying to run maps outside of your tier's listed here. Or check the maps you have and make sure they're not being ignored by your map.ipd because some maps are just bad to run.

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I am using the default map ipd provided by the latest update, as I reinstalled everything. But, I did edit like 2 lines.


// === 1 Settings ===

// Upgrading maps' quality
[Quality] <= "16" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeQuality] == "true"

// Tiers to run (difficult to use since one map can have up to four tiers)
[MapTier] >= "1" && [MapTier] <= "10" # [RunMap] == "true"

// Upgrading maps' rarity - XOR

// Upgrade to BLUE
[Rarity] == "Normal"     # [UpgradeToMagic] == "true"
[Rarity] == "Magic"     # [AugmentIfPossible] == "true"

// Upgrade to YELLOW
// [Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeToRare] == "true"

^ This section has a few changes, most notably, the max tier I changed to 10 instead of 16.

Edit: As for the maps I'm trying to run, most of them are white, the bot does not upgrade them OR run them, they are low tiers (1 - 4), so I don't see how it's not running them. They are also NOT in the PREMIUM map tab, I specifically put them in a regular stash tab (which is listed in the stash tab settings as my map tab).

Edited by Zeval
Further Clarification

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I have the same problem, there are 1-4 tiers in stash. The bot takes them and launches, does not upgrade [Quality] and [Rarity]

My .ipd is very short:

[MapTier] >= "1" && [MapTier] <= "6" # [RunMap] == "true"

[Quality] <= "16" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeQuality] == "true"

[Rarity] == "Normal" # [UpgradeToMagic] == "true"
[Rarity] == "Magic" # [AugmentIfPossible] == "true"

[map_item_drop_quantity_+%] < "20" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"

[map_monsters_reflect_%_elemental_damage] >= "1" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"
[map_monsters_reflect_%_physical_damage] >= "1" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"
[map_players_no_regeneration_including_es] >= "1" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"

[Rarity] == "Unique" # [IgnoreMap] == "true"

Edited by Culto

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