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my bot get stuck when trying to sell

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my bot can"t start a trade with vendor and get stuck because of that 


i can"t use it to farm and that quite problematic :o



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My Bot has Problems in Act 2 to sell at the vendor. in my opinion he klicks at the wrong coordinates. Anyone else has that issue?


Edit: Bot versions 0.16c + d

Edited by Xeandro

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In case you guys still have no idea why your bot cannot sell. 90% of the time is because of wrong coordinates.

If you see your bot clicks on vendor but not on the "Sell Item" link.. it's because the coordinates are off.

(Because at different stages of quests... the vendor's dialogue length is different... it will go DOWN as you progress thru your quests)


Thus, you need to edit coordinates.ini file (configuration/default/coordinates.ini)


If your cursor is clicking to the BOTTOM (most of the time) of "Sell" ... DEDUCT from the coordinates (act as Y-coordinates) else ADD.

SAVE the file. click on exile-bot to ensure you have focus. Press F11 (to reload settings).  And run bot again to test.

If it's not hitting SELL... adjust the coordinates again... rinse and repeat until you get it.

(After a while you should have a good idea what are the coordinates at diff stages of quests)


Hope that helps.

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