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Pretty please Alk, with donation sugar on top, sort the overshooting wp thing

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Because it's a game bug, brought out by way bot move clicks, must be as the zones are inactive if you pause and try them manually. What always happens before is the wp screen opens and the bot keeps running (guessing it must've move clicked again in a short enough time that stuffs the wp screen in some buggy way)


Workaround would be:


At start of wp select sequence log time --> wp_current

At end of wp select sequence wp_current --> wp_last

At start of wp select sequence check if wp_current - wp_last < say 10 secs and if it is click once top middle of the game screen


That's it, all that needs to be done to get round this (barring making sure this is all in one sequence in case it reopens wp select in <10 secs). If I do this manually it works every time, the wp screen just needs to be closed and reopened.


Update: Just managed to reproduce this bug manually (no bot running) by clicking the wp then quickly clicking off it once, so definitely a game bug but easy orkaound as above, just close and reopen wp screen.

Edited by bonebox

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Here is the code I added in dev version.

// Check if we aren't too far from wp (to fix overshoot game bug)
D3DXVECTOR3 wpPos = _worldObject->GetEntityPool()->GetWaypointPortal()->GetWorldcurrentPosition();
D3DXVECTOR3 playerPos = _worldObject->GetEntityPool()->GetMainPlayer()->GetWorldcurrentPosition();
double distance = sqrt(pow(playerPos.x-wpPos.x, 2) + pow(playerPos.y-wpPos.y, 2) + pow(playerPos.z-wpPos.z, 2));

if(distance > botConfiguration->GetMaxWaypointDistance())
    // press ESC
    KeyboardSend::GetFocusAndGenerateKey(_worldObject->GetGameWindow(), VK_ESCAPE, KEY_SEND);

With this in system.ini

; Set here the max distance between player and wp to select an area to farm if wp window is open. If distance is superior, bot will close the wp window.

However not sure if 50 is the good value, as I didn't manage to reproduce :P

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Cheers Alk. Might work, but from what I've seen of it the distance has nothing to do with it, it could easily be just 20 the other side of the WP, I've seen it nigh on stood on top. It's moved after the WP window has been opened (in a very short timeframe) yes but could be any distance, so you really need to catch the fact that the wp sequence hasn't worked and close/rfeopen the wp screen based on that I think. There should never be a legitimate reason it would need to go through it twice anyway I can think of. :)


Didn't realise esc closed the screen tho, much easier, learn somethng new every day... :P

Edited by bonebox

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